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Pinned ReplyAdmin (1 edit) (+1)

Just to add to this topic, the majority of the games listed on the homepage are picked by our curators, but there are other ways to appear there. We have a recommended games section that can pull your game if it thinks it's similar to another game the person viewing liked. Additionally, we run sale carousels so if you have a paid game you can get some exposure by putting it in a sale when we're doing sale events.

To get the homepage curators to notice your game there's a handful of things you can do:

  • Demonstrate you put effort into your game - take the time to put up images, videos, and customize your page. If you don't put effort into your work then we're not going to go out of our way to promote it. We have limited space for games on the homepage and we want to make sure that the people who are putting effort into their work get exposure.
  • Make a post in release announcements - we view these every day, so it's a good way to get noticed by us
  • Use your own audience to give your game an initial boost - we're more interested in games that are able to attract an audience. When you release your game share it and get people to try it out. New games that are popular are more likely to be spotted by our curators.
  • Post a devlog about your game - We built the devlogs feature to let people share updates about their game. For games that are in development you essentially want to try to create some attention around your game with every update you push. Using our devlogs feature can help bump your game back up to our attention