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Oh hey, I see an open source art program project, I follow, simple man here. This program has some good ideas like the double tool concept which is pretty damn handy and the animation/layer UI similar to aseprite that is very good, but lacks very basic things for a pixel art program, such as a color selection map, shape tools and commonly overlooked but very important whole number zoom stepping (that means the zoom steps from 100% to 200%, 300%, etc, no inbetweens) pixel art really needs those.


Thank you very much! You'll be happy to hear that the next version, v0.9, will have shape tools and an overhauled selection system. We'll also keep in mind your suggestion about zooming. Can you clarify on what you mean by a color selection map?

One of these bad boys

Basically some sort of color wheel/triangle/square/whatever shaped map to select colors from and sliders such as value, hue, saturation, luminosity, alpha. These are for selection your colors and making your own pallette in the program itself and it's a standard for painting software.

Oh, yes! Right now we use Godot's ColorPicker node, but in the future we could replace it with a custom-made color picker which is more advanced.

I’d like to second the suggestion about zooming. Yesterday I was trying to find a way to have the preview window at 200% and I didn’t find a way. It’s very easy to set it at weird zoom levels that produce pixel artifacts.

Thank you for the effort you make in replying to so many comments.