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Orama Interactive

A member registered Oct 01, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much for your support!

That pretty much sums up the entire devlog

Oh, that's a shame. Apologies for the trouble caused. The good news is that version 1.0 is almost ready and shouldn't take too long to come out, we will post a new devlog about its current status soon.

That's awesome, glad to know the issue is resolved!

Hello! It will happen eventually, but after version 1.0 is out.

Hello! If you're having trouble, you could also try downloading it as a Flatpak

We really appreciate the kind words, thank you!

Hmm, this is very weird then. We'll take a closer look to see if we can replicate, however the good news is that version 1.0 will not have this issue for sure, as it is using Godot 4 instead of Godot 3. We will see if we can fix it for v0.11.4, otherwise you might have to wait until v1.0, sorry!

Hello! The project is very much alive, in fact we are working on it on almost a daily basis (you can see it on our GitHub Repository)! Right now we are preparing version 1.0, the biggest update so far, while also working on version 0.11.4 which will purely consist of bug fixes. We're sorry we've been quiet for these past months, but there will be news very soon!

Hello! Are you using the latest stable version (0.11.3)? This used to be a bug in past versions, but it should be fixed now.

Yes, you can go the Image menu and select Rotate Image. Eventually we will add gizmos on the selection itself, like there are gizmos for resizing.

Hello, thank you for the kind words! We plan on creating a tilemap editor eventually. As for your second question, right now it's not possible to decrease the opacity of non-selected layers. We should probably add a layer properties window that appears when you right click a layer that allows changing its opacity, in a future version.

Hello! Pixel perfect can be enabled from the Global Tool Options, which by default are below the color pickers, on the right side of the screen. The pixel perfect button is right next to the two mirroring buttons.

You are welcome! :)

Good catch! We just fixed this issue and the fix will be in version 0.11.4. Thank you very much for reporting!

Thank you very much! The UI is created entirely with Godot's Control nodes. If you are referring to the icons, most were made by us, some are from Godot. :)

It means a lot to us, thank you!

Hello! This is intended so that tools won't be changed when doing things such as entering text (for example, while entering text, the user types the letter "P", the pencil would be activated). But perhaps we could fix this in a way where the cursor doesn't have to hover the canvas in order to change tools, so it is something that we could look into in the future.

Hello, and thank you! A gizmo to quickly rotate selections is planned for a future version, but for now you can rotate by going to the Image menu and selecting Rotate Image.

Thank you for the kind words, glad you fixed the problem! :)

Hmm that's weird, the `cache.ini` file should be located at the same place even when changing versions (`C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Pixelorama\` on Windows, `~/.local/share/Pixelorama/logs` on Linux and `/Users/[USERNAME]/Library/Application Support/Pixelorama/logs` on macOS).

Which platform are you using Pixelorama on, and if you are using Windows, are you using the stand-alone zip version or the installer?

As for UI, in the current versions it's not being saved automatically. To save changes made in the UI layout, you need to go to Window > Layouts > Manage Layouts > Add. If you want to change it later, you need to go to Manage Layouts again and select Edit. In version 1.0 this will change and layouts will be saved automatically whenever you make a change.

Hello! What exactly do you have in mind?

Thanks for letting us know, noting it for a future version :)

Sending individual files without zipping is possible. We are sending a dmg file for macOS and it is not being zipped. The issue seems to be occurring on tar.gz files for some reason. Tar.gz is generally preferred over zip in Linux, as they store Unix metadata such as permissions to execute, which Pixeloraman needs.

We are using butler to deploy Pixelorama directly from GitHub Actions to, and the file we are providing is the tar.gz archive. For some reason, it seems that butler/itch is also zipping that tar.gz file, while it shouldn't. Weirdly enough, this doesn't seem to be the case for macOS's .dmg files, so this seems like a butler bug regarding tar.gz files. Not sure if there's something we can do about it right now.

Hello, this is a known issue and will most likely be fixed in the next version. For now, you have to drag and drop them into Pixelorama, like Variable said.

Thank you so much! We are deeply grateful for the kind words, and we are very happy that Pixelorama works well for you. Best of luck to your game development journey!😊

Hello and thank you for the feedback! This isn't possible at the moment, however if you hold "Alt" while having a draw tool selected, it will act as a color picker until you release the key.

much appreciated
such thanks

Thank you!

Hello, copying and pasting images from/to Pixelorama in/from other software is not currently supported.

Thank you so much!

We really appreciate the kind words! It's awesome that Pixelorama is helping you to create art and we feel very honored!

Thank you so much!

Thank you for the feedback! The comment section is fine for reporting bugs and making suggestions, but the best place would be Pixelorama's GitHub repository. Issues for bug reports, and discussions for feature suggestions.

Hello, in the next version copying a frame won't have all of the layers selected, only the layer that was previously selected. As for the rest of bugs, some extra information and steps to reproduce would be appreciated!

So the ability to move multiple frames at once would solve this issue? It is a planned feature, but we're not yet sure in which version this will be available.

Hello, thank you for the suggestions! For 2, you can include the tag names in your exported files by going to the "Advanced options" section in the Export dialog, and enabling "Include frame tags in the file name".

This is not possible at the moment, settings will still be stored on the computer and not on the USB, but perhaps this is something we could look into for the future.

We appreciate it! But it's okay, we don't want anyone to feel that they have to contribute. Just using the project and leaving a nice comment is enough! :)