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Hi there! Just wanted to tell you what a beautiful art pack this is. I also was considering using it in a Udemy course at some point for a game maker studio 2 tutorial. I wanted to know if you had any plans to make this a paid asset in the future? I know you said free for commercial use and I would ask that any viewers download directly from here were I to use it. I just want to make sure I don't make a tutorial and then a month later it turns into a paid asset (which you would have every right to do by the way, just wanting to double check) :)

Here is my in-engine test I did for a sliding puzzle type game where we would teach tilesets, particles and state machines:

(1 edit)

Also, have you considered posting art tutorials online? I would be very interested to see how something like this could be made! 

Hi ! This asset will never be paid content, its meant to be free for ever, so dont worry about that, as long as you give me credit on your tutorial and a link to the asset profile I am fine with it.

That looks great by the way!