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Thank you so much for playing our game and providing us with feedback! Could you please tell us what kind of mechanics you'd like to see in a game like this?  


First of all, Remember that game jams are about challanging yourself and experimenting, And not always you come up with a great idea, But its fine becuase then you can improve on your next projects!

here are some things that could have made it more engaging:

- adding verticality to the levels

- Experementing with the light mechanic, for example being able to shot only when your light charged, and having it run out when you use it, that way theres a risk reward involved.

Its a bit hard to think about much more since the game currently is based around the proggression system, but in your upcoming projects i would recomand starting with an fun system that could be expanded on, and then seeing how far could you go with it :)

You're the best! Thanks a lot for the feedback!