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I'll wait and see if such a thing is more needed. In the meantime, can you give me any idea on how I can showcase my game on a game jam?

Okay, then, that is fine! :) As for game jams, I have seen an awful lot of them where you have to start from scratch and follow a specific theme, but not enough jams where you can submit older games. I think that is okay, but sometimes people only want to focus on working on one game like me (which is why I am hosting a game jam, lol, to give more people options in terms of jams). So if you want to submit Astro Guard to a game jam perhaps jams with no theme are the most likely to accept your game. Unranked jams are also more likely, too.

Once you submit a game and the voting period starts then you should try rating and commenting on games for the jam. They will most likely return the favor! :)