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Only the second visual novel entered to GWJ, as far as I can remember! The mystery was intricate and well thought-out, and I had fun trying to piece it together. That said, a few (constructive, I hope!) criticisms:

  • The game lacks variety. It's totally understandable, given the scope you went for, but asking the same questions to seven different characters does wear a bit. If you weren't beholden to the theme, perhaps you could have had fewer characters to interview, and implemented follow-up questions depending on what you'd learned from other characters?
  • The idea of needing to be careful not to ask the wrong question is a clever one; it's just that I had no idea that I needed to worry about that. With my Ace Attorney hat on, I thought I would have to click on every dialogue option available to me - it wasn't until you told me in the comments that I understood what I was supposed to do.
  • Voicing seven unique characters yourself is a tough act to pull off, and it's a testament to both the writing and delivery that I could tell as many of them apart as I could - the Bard and Cleric for their accents, the Druid for her mannerisms - but some of the others are quite difficult to tell apart.
  • The interface for asking questions was a little clunky; having to choose from 1, 2, or 3, and then having the textbox tell you what those options meant, isn't the most elegant solution in the world. Plus, I noticed that the voiceover reading those options aloud tended to carry on even when I'd moved on from that selection.

All in all, though, it's still an impressive entry, and definitely one of the most unique.

With the wrong questions I was trying to hint at it with the fact that two questions had the exact same wording at the end, but I guess that wasn't as obvious as I thought.

The 1, 2, 3 options was because I couldn't get the buttons to show up properly when the text was longer. It was a clunky workaround, but I didn't have another idea. And as I said, the voiceover with  that is a bit bugged.

Thanks for the detailed feedback!

You're the first to mention difficulty telling the voices apart. The "me" voice is not very distinctive since it was added last minute for accessibility. I could see mixing up the Wizard and the Rogue, though I did give them some variety in pitch, tone, and mannerisms. I'm surprised the Sorcerer doesn't stand out since I did give her an accent too (British - basically what I picked up when I lived in Harrogate which is near Yorkshire), but maybe the accent is a little too understated lol.