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OH MY GOD!!! Maybe another life was freaking awesome. It is like a bit of weirdness like as in Standly parable mixed with mind bending puzzles reminisce of monument valley in a horror setting. That truly is one the best game I played off this site so far and I played a lot off of here. Please whoever is responsible for this game let me know I want to see your collection of games you have made thank you.

Thank you so much!!!

It really honors me that you compare my game to two of my favorite games. I absolutely appreciate your comment!

For other games I made, well there aren´t really any, even though I created games for a few years now, I never really finished or released them, but all of my future projects will be released right here on the Triality Games page.

Oh man, that was an awesome game but I mentioned two games in my initial response which one is your favorite? Because I believe I mentioned monument valley and the Standley parable 

Uh, that's really hard to answer for me, I love both games because of different reasons. While Monument Valley is ascetically and gameplay-wise amazing, Stanley Parable totally sells it through the great narration. But I think Monument Valley influenced my games more because since then I tried around a lot with gravity mechanics (also after replaying Super Mario Galaxy)