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As a solo indie developer I have to do more than coding and designing game mechanics and new graphics, I also have to take care of production and marketing.

Recently I focused especially on these other sides of game development and I wanted to share with you a couple of important results from my efforts.

About the production department, I am proud to announce that I am now registered as Steamworks partner.
That means that I can finally start to work on the Steam page of Virtueror!

My goal is to have a page up by the end of May, but I'll try my best to get it done even before that. I doubt I will have a trailer since day 1, but nothing is sure yet.

You might be asking what about an page? Well, I am working on that too of course... ;-) and I am planning to publish it on the same day the Steam  page goes live, if not before that. I will try to plan a date in a week or two, so follow this dev log to find out more.

I also achieved a tiny victory in the marketing department.
Since yesterday my YouTube channel, where I post all my dev log videos, passed the first meaningful mark: 100 subs.

I know that's far from impressive, but considering that is all organic traffic and that my game is still in very early stage I am pretty happy with it.
If you want to support and follow my development you can subscribe to my channel and help me pushing that number even higher. Wink