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I'd love to see "fog" as an spell type. Like if you could just make a fog of whatever you want. Make it a fog of fire where people burns to death, or some unstable field based on locumancy that causes bash damage and of course the fog of decay, which would be a spell type: fog with a base spell from locumancy. As for physical combat more weapons, skills and combinations are always nice. Axes could let you go into a berserker rage for increased strength, while maces could have a exhausting stunning blow and swords some kind of riposte where you get to counterattack automactly every time you dogde, or just give you higher dogde as you parry with the sword. 

These are all great ideas! I think the fog of fire "kinda" exsists in the form of Wildfire spell at the moment?

And yea, there needs to be more variety and choice with respect to how melee combat is handled. Still need to figure out exactly what I want in there, but currently the open world aspect of the game is what I am mostly focusing on, and it proves to be quite a challenge.