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(1 edit)

sure! would love some levels in the game not designed by me :D and I will add you to the credits!
If you want to sketch out something i am happy to adapt that to the level format i'm using?
Each third of a level can be mirrored left / right, and swapped with any other.
So because of this I need the three 'pass through' sections indicated in white on the tiled editor screen shots to always be in the same position.
The middle one is always accessible from above and below, while the left and right ones can either be accessible from above, or below, or both

I would like to have the greatest variety of the starting section ( currently the bottom of the dirt area ) so if you'd prefer to just design that section that would be a great help too!

The other Biomes are still in flux, i haven't locked down the rules for which joins need to be accessible as yet, though they will end up being similar.