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Getting sick sucks so much, I hope everything's better now?

And congrats on finding a new writer! I'm sure they'll make a great work!

Good luck to all! I'm so glad I helped with this project - I've replayed the demo a bunch of times, and I don't regret it for a second. I really hope it'll all go smoothly from now on!

(1 edit)

Thanks for the well wishes! Actually, I've been sick again for the past few days, but I persevered and finally got those updated clients out anyway. It's just that season, I guess.

Thank you again! Hopefully the final version won't disappoint. I, for one, am excited to finish this title, since we've been working on it for so long. And if it does well enough, I've had plans for a fandisc drafted for a while, so that might be a possibility, too.