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Hi Xevvy, I'm here to say that you didn't disappoint me. I've played The Village That Never Sleeps all those years ago and when i heard the game's development was stopped, i felt a bit down but stayed hopeful when you said you might get back to it in the future.

And here we are, after about 6 years i guess? I really must say you've outdone yourself! I can't really put it in words, but rest assured that you have done an amazing job, both you and your team.

Good luck in finishing the game!

P.S: I honestly liked how Gravel designed Axel, he was much cuter to me (and he was my favorite). But i'm not complaining about the new design, it was just a personal remark.


Thanks for the feedback! There is always going to be variances in how each character looks in a new art style. Personally, I am actually really pleased with how Axel came out in CurryCatz style - I think he's closer my original vision! Of course, that is only my opinion!

Thank you for the supportive words too. It's still a long road ahead, but we're keeping on keeping on!