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I finished your demo, I liked this game it showed some abilities that I have not seen before, little unusual and took me a bit of time to understand what to do but I am pleased with it, if this is not on the Gamejolt website it should be, I think a lot of people would enjoy this and it gets my 5/5. Gameplay link is below:

YouTube: Fellowplayer

Thanks for playing! Now that I've seen few videos I definitely agree that the game needs some balancing. I'm not sure if you noticed this but if the logic behind stress seemed vague, it was viewing player stats that increased the stress level. In time stress goes down by it self if you don't view the stats. There was a hint prompt about it that almost everyone who have played the game, seem to have missed so far :D

Ah yes that makes sense, this is a detailed game and it will take time to figure out even for me but that is good, I like attention to detail such as this. Bit concerned about the weight gain, I thought it was because I went to bed just after eating, and I'm pretty sure I got SO FAT...haha. I saw also you got greenlit congratulations on that. A game like this clearly needs passion.

Yeah, that's exactly why you got fat :D There definitely is a lot of rules in the game and a lot of the fun should be on discovering and understanding those rules, and then using them to progress in the game. Problem is to get the rules simple but intuitive enough for them to make sense, and at the same time to be a bit exaggerated and nightmareish. Thanks for your kind words and support! Also a great video and interesting looking channel!