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This is a bit long for a jam game (but since a lot of the games are hard to run on Linux, I spent more time playing the web and Linux games). I did beat the jam version but I haven’t beaten the pre-jam one. Particularly for a jam where those rating games have to play both the old version and the new version, it would have been nice if there was an easy to find list of differences so that I don’t have to go through a ten level long game twice. And speaking of time, when the game says it’s my turn, it waits a moment for me to read the “your turn” message before it lets me do anything, but I think it would have been better if I got control immediately when my turn started, and the message simply stayed on screen for a moment after I got control.

UI:The fonts work well, making the text easy to read while fitting a game set in the past.

But sometimes a piece of dialogue ends after the first word of a sentence. I’d suggest splitting at punctuation marks instead. If a sentence doesn’t fit on one screen, either rewrite it to fit or make it start at the start of the screen, end at the end of another screen, and break at a comma. Seeing “. Also,” and having to press X to see what’s after that, I think breaking at the full stop (period) works better than breaking at the comma. But maybe you were meaning for those pieces of text to be scrollable and didn’t have time to make that work. That would also explain while the mark in the bottom-right corner of messages doesn’t look like an X even though it’s X you want people to press to see the next message.

And another thing you could change after the jam: when the topmost item in a menu is selected and I press up, switch to the last item, and when the last one is selected and I press down, switch to the first one. A lot of PS1 menus did that.

But one really nice thing you got right, white text on a dark background. It’s nice that the text is readable.

Art: Really good, and it looks like it could have been a PS1 game.

Music: I like it, but I think maybe instead of playing the same theme on almost every level you could have played one of the cutscene pieces on some level to make it less sameish. I mean, it’s good music, it’s just that the length of the game means players have to hear it for quite a lot of time.

I also liked the writing and the gameplay. It would probably have been even better if I wasn’t having to beat the game within the rating period, but I think it was fun even when the time pressure made me feel like things could have moved a bit faster on screen (though I guess the ideal animation speed would depend on the player).

wow, thanks for playing it all the way through! To be honest, I wasn’t sure the pre-jam version could be played all the way through. I think for a quick overview of changes, the pre-jam devlog held up pretty well, we managed to get all the planned changes in the Spring Cleaning release:

Spring Cleaning pre-jam devlog

I’ve made it to the seventh level in the pre-jam version without losing any characters, but it feels like a harder game (though it is nice to get some extra challenge after beating the jam version, but I’m not sure that level is beatable, maybe I should have had a character close to level up so that I could let that character take a beating and level up and get healed).

In the jam version I had to avoid getting noticed by too many enemies at a time, but if I did that right I could just heal every character before alerting the next enemy. In the pre-jam version all the enemies started moving towards the party at the same time, so it became a game about finding places where their pathfinding would glitch and so that the enemies would take longer to arrive and I wouldn’t have to deal with all of them at the same time. Which is fun too. And seeing the seventh level where there’s several human enemies near the start, I don’t think there’s enough room in the start of that level to bottleneck them so they arrive one at a time. I’m glad I played the jam version first, as I feel like getting the harder challenge first would have been somewhat frustrating and also if I got good at that and then tried the easier one, it would have felt a bit bland at the skill level I’d have reached.

Aside from the gameplay, the jam version also has more dialogue (and the dialogue it has makes more sense) and more music.

Now, if you keep working on the game for a summer cleaning jam or something, here’s what I think could still use some improvement:

  • The text splitting where I see the end of one sentence and the start of the next and then I have to press a button to see the end of that sentence. Splitting the text at sentence boundaries would probably have worked better. Maybe you can look into how subtitles on TV are split. Those too have to break text into pieces of a particular length.
  • Maybe add a way to see a list of missions you’ve played and replay them in whichever order you choose. I guess that could make it a bit difficult to keep track of with characters levelling up and getting items though. But having a savegame at the start of each mission and being able to select which one to continue from would probably be doable.
  • Make it so that I can start moving characters around as soon as it shows “your turn” on screen, rather than having to wait until it removes that text before it takes any input.
  • Let people see from the start how many missions there are in total. Or do like those PS1 games that when you save or load savegames, they show how much of the game is completed.
  • Add portrait variations so the characters can show facial expressions right next to the dialogue text.
  • Maybe add a little bit more level-specific music.
  • If you still want to change something, maybe add PS1-like features like an attract mode (watch a replay of some part of the game after the music finishes playing on the main menu, and there’s a “press button” thing letting people know they can return to the main menu by pressing any button).

I think the jam version was a bit easy, but I liked the story and the art (and it mixes 2D and 3D really well). And I still made some mistakes (I even restarted a level because of that). The story was probably a part of what kept me engaged so that I finished the game. It’s also nice that it can run on Linux. There were some Windows-only games I couldn’t get running.