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Of course! 

I can't imagine the logistics and process of creating such an expansive project like QS, but do you have any future projects planned or in the works? If you ever have a Patreon or Kickstarter active for new projects, I'd love to support. 


Hi Marquis!

I do have a Patreon (that I only just recently started) if you would like to check it out :) I have a few things in the works at the moment~ I do also plan to use Kickstarter again in future, once I have everything ready and set up for at least one of my future projects.

Thank you again for playing and enjoying Quantum Suicide :D

<3 MoltenCherry

P.S - If you enjoy merchandise, I am working on an online store via my website that I will launch once all the Kickstarter backer physical rewards are sent out :D