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Good for you for sticking to your guns. Makes perfect sense that it goes bad-ish when you play your character as fickle and super paranoid as possible towards the only people that can truly aid them.


I am glad you think so! I wanted to give the MC some agency while showing that their actions have consequences, even though I was a bit limited due to the (lack of) content. But I remind myself that this is just a demo, and I am allowed to experiment. And experimenting is a hit or miss process. 


It's very polished and whole for just a "demo". And yeah, this is your playground.

If you end up being unsatisfied with it, you can still revisit or remaster the finished project. Even if it means that you will do it years after it's full release. Either way, I think us players are going to like it.

Thank you, I am glad you think so! I do try to remember that, but thank you so much for the reminder!