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A member registered Apr 25, 2020 · View creator page →

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Happy to hear that! :D And I hope the choices offered will continue to be enjoyable in the remainder of the game as well because gods know all the variables I added kicked my ass to hell and back x’D 

Me too asdsada! I always feel bad for not being able to write and code faster, but I have a limited amount of free time I can spend on that. :( Still, the script is mostly done, save for the epilogues, so the game should be uploaded here within a month or so. Hope you enjoy!

Thank *you*!  <3

Thank you! <3

Thank you! I'm wrapping up the last scenes rn, so I hope it won't take long :D

Glad to hear you enjoyed yourself, and I hope the rest of the game will also be to your liking!

Lotar and Malitiose are one of the two Love Traingles in-game, so you can unlock their LT route, or solo routes, as both have different contents through the game. If you don't want to make Mal cry, I'd recommend doing the solo. ;)

Hmm, it’s hard to pick just one because they are all fun to write, but I am definitely partial to Saltire for two reasons:

1. I’ve given them part of the backstory of my old Pathfinder OC haha, I really love the Fey realm and stuff like that, so even if a lot of info never made it to the game, working on the backstories and settings for Saltire was the most pleasant for me.

2. Saltire’s type is someone who, due to their upbringing and experience, could easily be one of the most evil-aligned companions, but simply CHOSES not to be, chooses to exercise kindness even when it’s foolish, which I always wanted to write as I find it particularly interesting.

Okay, I've rambled enough. Thanks for playing!    

Glad to hear you’re enjoying FMO! :D 

Don’t be sorry, I gotcha and I totally feel you. Like I stated on the main page in the info section, the finished game will be around $5 (plus whatever tax itch has on top, though that depends on the country as far as I am aware), but I’ll do a giveaway as well (on Tumblr), as I always do to celebrate a full release, so there will be a chance to win a few keys there.

Most of my games are free, so I won’t be putting them on Steam regardless of how many players they have. serves me more than well enough, and I don’t feel the need to cross post on different sites.

Thanks for playing! The Italian translation was kindly provided by a native speaker, so I sincerely doubt the dialogue has any mistakes.

Like I said in the Cursed Place comment section, due to the cost, the additional percentage fee for people from outside of the USA, and taxes involved on my side, I am currently in no position to publish my games on Steam.

Not currently, no, as I have other ongoing projects to wrap up. I do get what you mean, but CP was always intended as a simple jam game, something I did for fun and to challenge myself to make a finished project in a limited timeframe, hence why it’s here raw, imperfect, and free.

Thank you! Glad to hear you enjoyed :D 

The initial script was longer, and included a branch for the Devil as well, but it didn’t make the cut (because I ran out of time). I hope to make an expansion to CP one day, as a longer game or something, but I have a few other projects I need to wrap up first, so I can't promise anything. :(

CP is short, about 20k words, and it was made for the Amare Jam in about two months, though the actual time spent on the game was shorter due to life obligations. The main idea was to make a project within a set deadline, which was accomplished. That’s also why there are ‘very few’ choices, and only 4 endings. 

MC and their past are left up to the player because this is how I prefer things to be, both as a player and as a creator (leftover from being an PRG player I guess). The setting was also left intentionally vague. I do know that some players prefer to have everything set in stone, but there are other games to play besides mine. 

Modesto/a does know that MC can read, as they interact with each other daily, and having seen them peruse (with disgust) a book that was traditionally shoved down noble heirs’ throats only confirmed an already pre-made suspicion about what MC’s past might be (not a commoner). 

Gender and other such choices are complimentary, they don’t change much in the story save for a few lines, and they are added when they become relevant, not before. The guide for reaching all the endings (with all the game-related choices pointed out) is added in a devlog at the bottom of the page. If you’re playing on PC you can use TAB to skip.

Because of the $100 Steam fee, I don’t see myself uploading my games to Steam, and because of the 30% cut with an additional 20/30% for people from the outside of the USA, it’s very doubtful that I will use the platform at all.

Thanks for playing!

I’m finishing the last half of the last chapter right now (a lot of variables to tackle, so it’s taking a while), it shouldn’t take long unless I get busy with IRL stuff tho. Thank you! 😘

Later this month I will feed you, I promise 😇

Thank you! <3 I am happy to hear that you enjoyed FMO! :D (I am glad the descriptions aren’t too bothersome. I am an enthusiast myself, so I love books with 123131 pages of nature descriptions etc, though I get why it might not be as interesting to everyone as it is to me haha.)

Don’t be sorry! And thank *you* again for reading and your feedback. I am in the middle of the last chapter right now, so I am tentatively hoping to release within the next 2-3 months, depending on how much free time I’ll have between work. I hope the full game will be worth the wait, regardless. 

Thank you :D I’m happy to hear that you’re enjoying PFM too! 

Thank you and welcome back! :D I am in the middle of writing the last chapter right now, so it shouldn't be long before you get to play the full game! 

Not strange at all, no worries! I have several lists, so I am not sure which one is 'the one,' but you can check all of them [here]. It browses the 'recs' tag. Hope that helps! 

Thank you! :D

Hopefully not literally though😏

There's a quick guide [here], but it includes spoilers.

It is! I’m sorry it’s taking me a while. Sadly, I have less free time now than I had back then, so it’s taking me ages to juggle both Avulsion IF and FMO, but both are currently updated, and FMO is half a chapter away from being finished, so I am tentatively hoping to have it wrapped up within this year/early next. I’ll start working on Amalgam fully after Avulsion is released. I should be able to update it more frequently once I’m done with the last branch of the current chapter (it ended up longer than expected and the amount of variables I put in the game is killllling me haha).

But yes, Amalgam will absolutely be a thing, my brain is very much fixated on it, so I wouldn’t be able to drop it even if I wanted to. I even have the GUI and routes’ previews done, as well as some of the assets, all I need is more free time (and an extra pair of hands pls).

I’m glad to hear you enjoyed FMO too! (Awww thank you sm 🥺)

(Insert ‘why not both’ gif 😉)

Have a good morning/evening as well! :D

Thank you! I’m glad to hear you enjoyed PFM! <3

This one (the VN) is meant to be a stand-alone, so it can be considered a demo to the IF version. Both versions follow the same potline, but I’m adding and expanding scenes and content so as to, hopefully, make the longer version fun and 'new' to read as well.

Personally, I’d recommend playing this one first, if only because the VN is finished. 

Why, thank you (fellow gothic enjoyer)! I’m glad to hear you enjoyed FMO and all the clowns characters ! 


Hi, player. I just added a glossary to the demo. You can access it at the start of the game or during by clicking on the book icon. Hope that helps!

And I hope to soon be able to quench your thirst. 😊

One more chapter to go, and I’ll be ready to deliver! 

Thank *you* for playing! 

Thank you! :D

Happy to hear that you found Adam enjoyable! And Eve and Lilith too. ;)

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed the game.

I usually disable preference menu for short games and jams so as to not give myself more work, but if you're playing on desktop, you could use F to toggle full-screen mode. Here's the site with more Ren'py shortcuts: [defkey]

Thank you! <3

Thank you! I hope the rest of the game will also be to your liking :*

I might expand on some scenes once the main script is written, so I’ll keep that in mind!

Thank you! :D English is not my first language either, so I often worry about sounding off, but I am glad to hear my preference for classics and slightly ‘old-sounding’ English doesn’t make the script annoying to read! 

Thank *you* for playing! <3

Glad to hear it! :D