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Not 100% sure that I got it, but if I may rephrase (correct me if I'm wrong): in principle, all actions by characters succeed (yay! I beat the Minotaur / I've climbed the wall, etc) — maybe unless the game master states otherwise — but it may exhaust your meta-character until it reaches d4 + your next roll below 4.

Another optional way I see (again, please tell me if I'm off-road) is to allow complete successes if the dice doesn't drop, and partial success if it does.

Saves are great, they are very helpful tactical tools when you need the story to move forward!


Yeah! You got it on the optional part.

The degree of success can be directly related to the number of dices dropped. It's kinda a narrative open tool. Some games may be more punitive than others. But the general ideia is to always get kids on a more weird, complex and bizarre situation as they keep adventuring.


coooooool! thank you for your response! keep it up!