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Did I just play all 3 routes within one day? ... maybe...

I have to say I like the game. The story isn't bad at all and most of the time the romantic interactions didn't seem to be forced. So Im looking forward to Sawyers route :)

I started with Zheng-Li, went to Helix and finished with Jader. Yeah he is kinda cruel but damn I've never been able to resist an sexy, longhaired asian guy, especially because you rarely have the opportunity to get someone as hot as Zheng... or an asian guy at all... anyway totally my type <3

Still, I noticed some strange things like the blush on Jaders face. I mean it's kinda funny how it starts in the middle of his face with a straight line but I don't think that this is how it's supposed to be. 

Oh and I think the skipping moad didn't work properly. At first nothing has skipped no matter which of the two options I had chosen and after a restart everything suddenly skipped in both options. 

Thank you!  We appreciate your kind words!  We'll take a look at this bug.

Agreed. Jader's blush is a little...poorly done.