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There is no link to the demo in your page?

(1 edit)

If you click on "Download" and then "No thanks, take me to the dowloads" on this page you can download the demo for free 

I tried this game, I guess it's for more than 1 player?

Even then, it was hard to understand what to do.

Thank you for trying it!

Error Ware 2 can  be played with 1-4 players locally. The Taxi mode is primary for multiplayer but you can change the number of players to 1 there, too. 

The game is inspired by the Wario Ware series by NIntendo, where you have only 5-10  seconds or so to complete a random mini game.  You only get a clue at the beginning of the game, usually a simple task like "GRAB!",  "SPIN!", "DEFEAT", etc.  Then you have to figure out how to win the minigame by doing what the clue says.

I hope that was helpful!