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i forgot to include d6 x d6, but there are 20 permutations, 16 of which have unique results!! a result of 12 (6x2 or 4x3) or 6 (6x1 or 2x3) are the only repeats. that means 12 and 6 each have 10% chance of being the product of 2d6, every other result has a 1/20 or 5% chance (a 80% chance of getting a unique product) meaning you could effectively use 2d6 as a d20 roll for a result between 1-36

I don't understand this. Don't you get 36 results out of d6xd6? How did you get to 20 results?

since a 4x2 = 2x4, the order of the dice don’t matter, so if a red die rolls 4 and a blue die rolls 2, the result is not distinct from red 2 blue 4! 

Oh, I'm looking at dice combination, kinda! I see. Good for a game to practice math too! Haha