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Hey everyone. I'm Cam. I'm a designer, artist and animator. I'm also teaching myself to program (I'm a numpty).

I've been planning to do a Game Jam for some time but never had the guts to do it. I've never felt ready, I know I'll just let myself down and be disappointed with myself at the end of it. I decided it's time to jump in, ready or not.

When I was very young I'd go around saying I wanted to work at Nintendo. What I didn't realise was that I wanted to make games in general, Nintendo was just the standard I aspired to. So obviously a lot of what Nintendo have done over the years has inspired me. I enjoy plenty of obscure games, although typically they're from smaller dev teams (just seem to have more soul).

I have never made a game before, but I've done many tutorial series/courses on Unity in C#. I have very little confidence in my programming ability but I hoping this will accelerate things and give me confidence to keep doing Game Jams.

I've worked at a small but successful software company where I was in a very hands on role with UX and UI design. I've also worked as an animator on a TV show and a designer in a branding agency. I (for better or worse) set a very high bar for myself and others.

What I want most out of a career is to be able to entertain people through my work .I'd be happy to only have to work part time in a "everyday" job because my video games are supporting me.

Good luck, everyone!