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I don't understand what to do after the fuse is replaced... it says to hide but there's nowhere to hide, I can't crouch, and that invisible monster keeps killing me very quickly after I enter the room with those 4 tanks. What do I do?


You need to close the doors = ) It cannot phase through them, but.... can do other things ; )

Okay. So I see the shadow in front of the door and close it, but whenever I go into that room, I die after a few seconds no matter what. Am I supposed to hide somewhere? 

Look at the door handle when you close them = )

Nvm! Just figured it out! Loving this game!



Just finished it. What a great game! I wasn't expecting to be so captivated by it. I recorded a video of my playthrough, I'll be posting it within the next few days. Fantastic work!


Thank you kind Sir! Make sure to drop a link to the playthrough here once you do = )