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I finished the game and I thought it was really cute and the battle mechanics was really unique as well! <3 ^_^ I love the survival aspects of it too, making making sure you are always healed up, and slowly progressing to finding your equipments! :D The sprite edits of the baby and the aliens were really cool! I also love that you made some fun little arts everytime the baby gets her equipment and also during the ending! It's really cute! Overall, this was a neat and enjoyable little experience for me! Great job 3b48!! :D

Whoa thanks a bunch for playing and for all of the kind words! I'm really happy people are digging the action battle mechanic; games like Eternal Senia and some action titles Beregon made showed me some of the on-map action battle potential RPG Maker has and inspired me to try it out, and it seemed a good fit for a survival title. 

It was a ton of fun customizing the Violet sprite, I never imagined I'd be pixel arting a diaper and sword attacks onto a baby sprite for a game hah! :)  The kewl brain alien sprites are thanks to hiddenone, I just customized them a little for the downed pose. Really glad you enjoyed the arts too, just like the sprites I never imagined drawing a sword-wielding baby, great the Driftwood made 'babies' a theme.  

Thanks so much for taking the time to play through, good luck in the Jam!


That's awesome! <3 ^_^ Yah! I thought the way you edited all those baby art/pixel stuff was adorable! :D Especially with those baby sound effects haha! And you're welcome! Thanks so much also and good luck for the jam!! :D