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You should play the full thing before misjudging him

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I have played the full thing. As I stated, this is second play through I only played it a second time because everyone said that Lucy is the best route, so I played i to get her route and I don't think it's a good route. It's Ok, but not as good as everyone says. I am now on the vacation part and getting close to Granny! And I am going to replay it to the end, but I am playing another VN at the moment. Thanks for the reply. 


I don't know. I do find the MC a bit annoying, really. He definitely hides his feelings and self-security behind a wall of humor, especially when things get too serious or heartfelt. I mean, at first, it's fine. But after time in the story and healing from his past, it could show the MC maturing as a person instead of never changing at all. And I do agree a bit, the characters can be a bit one dimensional. They don't really change or evolve much and stay to their one scripted roll in the story. The biggest ones that do change some are Lucy and Tanya, mainly because their backstories were pretty heavy.