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Hey all! Long time no post! Dysmaton progress is progressing as fast as humanly possible, as I'm also working on publicizing the other (completed) Silver Spook Game, Neofeud. Here's a little teaser of some of the most recent work that I'm pretty happy with:

I call this one, "Sun Goddess".  It took me a loooooong time to sort this out, about two weeks in all, but I think I've finally nailed what I was envisioning. Yes, there is some definite Blade Runner 2049 influence in there as I had seen the movie twice during the course of working on this. And the scene is definitely suppose to exude that Tyrell/Wallace "timeless, near-godly grandeur".

I'm going to look into animating the reflections in that pool of water there.  If I can get Roger Deakins or Ridley Scott to help me with the gold-aquatic lighting, it would also be much appreciated, lol.