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Hey, Slipperyfrog! The time you will be working really depends on the job, but I'm a assuming you'd be a programmer, and we already have three, so you can help them out when they are around. We'd prefer you to work about 3+ hours a week, but since it is namely a hobby, we won't hold it against you if you are too busy that week. Right now we have fourteen people on the team, composed of sound techs, 3d modelers, programmers and 2d artists. Actually, all of the positions listed in the title are still open, since  we only have one concept artist, no other community managers, and nobody that specializes in AI. I have edited the post just now so you probably won't notice: we are not yet a studio, but we are working towards that. If you are interested in the game still, then email me at or text us on our discord server:

Be sure to use the correct channel for your texts! Thanks for your interest!