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Hi, thanks for creating and sharing this program! :)

I also want to report a bug. I have tried to import the excel sample, but when I click on that button I get this error:

(I'm using Windows 10 Pro)


Hey JJHaggar,

During the import, Nebulous is trying to start the Excel app in the background to get the data. Are you sure that the Office application is properly installed?

If you indeed have Excel installed, it might be related to a permissions issue. Please take a look here.

As the last option,  I could release an x86 version for you. (stackoverflow implies it could be relevant



(1 edit) (+1)

Better yet,

I already added Nebulous v3.1 (x86).exe, you may try it out! I hope this solves the problem.


Oh, I didn't think that not having Excel installed could be the cause, sorry ^^U

I use LibreOffice, is there any way to use it instead? I tried the new build though, but I got the same error.

Thank you! :)


I looked into it and apprently there's a way to import-export xaml bsed info to Libre Office & Open Office and I might indeed try to add the feature later, but don't hold your breath :)

That would be great :D