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Nebulous Interactive

A member registered Mar 16, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hey stray, thank you for the kind words!

Yes, there is a way to darken the textbox whites. You may check the Adaptive mode in Options > Settings and they become a shade of the bg color.

There is no way to create a default element index, but your custom element collection template should appear in the order you created them (excluding the default Name and Category).

And yeah, don't hesitate to ask for features, I try to develop Nebulous whenever I have the time!

Yup, maps was in my plans (I even have a semi working proof of principle demo) but I got into building my own uni nowadays. If I get another spur of inspiration, we should see the map tool :)

Hey again!

It is actually due to a historical reason actually! I used to take the Category as the TreeViewItem title automatically in the older versions. You are right, it should no longer be mandatory... However, I also use it in places like Nebulograph to differentiate between objects with the same name, so I feel it is better to keep it.

You can create your own Element templates in Options btw. Select Default for example and Click the +, and there you may create your own Character template (although it's gotta be a different name, yeah).

Hey hey!

I actually looked into it but it doesn't seem too straightforward to convert wpf base to be Android ready. There's a tool but its not free and even after the conversion it requires some work 🥲

So I wouldn't hold my breath forthe mobile version sorry 🙏🏻

Hey robo,

Hmm yea I don't yet have a setting for that, it's constant font size 

Hey Maizzz!

Sound/media elements are currently not available. It's not too hard to implement but I've been taking my sweet time working on my own lore for a while now. I'll eventually get to it tho, initially I intended for the sound elements to establish a mood when viewing an object (especially for DMs), but an SFX artist wants to manage their work here too!? Awesome

Thank you!

Hey! Not yet, I figured it was pretty straightforward to discover and skipped on creating a tutorial but maybe I should. Many users are asking about it

Hey kektus, 

Interesting... Do you have any crash report in C:\Users\your user name\Documents\Nebulous Crash Saves ?

That's one down at least :)

OK, one last push tonight, I added "StaysOpen=True" for the ContextMenu of elements. This hopefully will help (might need to close that little gap if this doesnt work out)

Alright, let's try once more (I forgot to change "StaysOpenOnClick = True" for the main MenuItem style before), fingers crossed now.

Also stopped refreshing all properties of the object when tab selection changed, this may help with halting as it will only try to load an image once (I hope)

Hey Swoonet!

How about now? 

Can you please try with Nebulous v4 Test (18.2.2024).exe

Hey Eric, I researched the issue on stackoverflow and tried to apply some of the suggestions. How about now?

Avast clears it for me.

(1 edit)


I uploaded Nebulous v4 Test (17.2.2024), now everytime the tab is changed all the bindings are refreshed. I hope this resolves it!

Could you please test it out and let me know?

Ohh this explains is, yeah I think maybe a delayed update could fix it. Let me try a couple of things, I'll get back to you

Also love that S.I.L.L.Y. monster!

Hmm, I cannot locally reproduce the problem. It should really remember the element sizes...

Are you in the Column or Freesize mode? Maybe I can force it to update one more time after the controls are loaded

Hey Eric!

Wew, thank you for the detailed review. I was thinking of an index based sorting option for the tree which you could easily rearrange, but I thought that kinda defeats the purpose of having a hierarchial tree structure. Maybe I should reconsider.

And yeah, when there is a large number of objects, the linking takes a couple of seconds (I tested with my own library of 4000+ objects), but that's Regex for ya :(

It is in my notes to add a guidance document, maybe even make videos as you suggested too

Again thank you, it makes me happy that people actually use the program!

(1 edit)

Yo! I added Nebulous v4_Test.exe, can you test it out and let me know?

Turning on Settings > General > Adaptive Mode adds Universe BG Color on top of Content BG Color at 50% opacity. 

I hope this is an acceptable solution (I didn't wanna add a whole new color property for this)

Wow, thanks for such a detailed review!

The dark editing mode currently doesn't exist but it should be pretty easy to implement, I'll look into it and let you know.

Which antivirus? Maybe I can test and perhaps appeal to them 

I dunno what I can do against that :(

I think they tend to block every unfamiliar executable...

Although Avast clears it!

That's good, pheww

Interesting, if I'm not misunderstanding I can't reproduce the issue.

Hey swoonet,

You're not using v3.4.1 by any chance, are you?

v4 allows you to pick arbitrary names and categories indeoendent of your hierarchy. Could you send an example of the issue please?

Honestly Trilium looks awesome! I wasn't aware of such a program when i first started coding  (ಠ_ಠ)

Nebulous would be a simpler alternative, with couple of different features (like the auto wiki generation, reporting options etc as far as I can tell)

Alrighty, here goes:

  • I made element dragging only update after MouseUp (UI render during live dragging could get rough, yeah)
  • Updated v3.4.1 too so that the nested structure is preserved! You're welcome to try again
  • Expansion status of object tools is now preserved across objects
  • Apply changes shortcut added: Ctrl+Enter

Unfortunately touchpad sensitivity issue seems to be a shortcoming of the WPF framework, there are proposed solutions but it would take me quite a bit of work. Sooo, maybe stick to mouse for now :)

I hope these changes help!


Yep, just added a "Set object settings" function which is available when you are in Selection mode (Hint: Ctrl + Click to (de)select the whole nest)

Hey Voltt,

The graphing algorithm connects the objects based on the count of overlapping words in their contents (with a higher linear weight on intersecting names), and the spread is limited by an arbitrary number (otherwise it can get quite complicated and slow). I think increasing the spread and decreasing the decay may help you include more objects. Also, perhaps including the precise terms you want to connect in Synonyms could work as well!

Hi skuddledudd (superfun to say btw :),

Since I revised the nesting logic, it was hard to be precise about converting old libraries. It used to seek common categories and automatically make them the top nest, but now it's just arbitrary (you may try Ctrl + dragging objects or Move/Insert functions btw). So a little housekeeping might be in order after the conversion, or you could arrange the Excel file so that it would import perfectly (the ParentID of the children needs to match with their parents ID).

In settings, you may set the "default" colors/fonts etc. and the new objects will be generated with these settings. However, currently it is not possible to change the settings for objects in bulk. In selection mode there's a few collective change options, I'll add this function there, it shouldn't be too hard.

Thank you for the quick (and encouraging) feedback!

Hey rufia,

I just added a Clone function to the new version. I think this could help with your 2nd request (although both have to be maintained separately). I cannot reuse the same object because that messes up with the selection processes ;_;

For the first one, I added a Tags filtering option. This would -I think- may answer your request.


Hey DrazorV,

Thanks for the feedback! I'll try to incorporate it into the next version!

Hey Kenni, happy to hear that!

I have been working on new features but my day job has been crazy busy... Hopefully, I can release an update soon!

Nice catch! I believe it is due to the click counting each level of the treeview... I'll see what I can do 

It is an intentional design choice to prevent accidental data loss by overwriting your old save files. But I will try to make an option for this in the next iteration.

Also saving crashes under Documents makes sense.


Glad you like it!

In case of a crash, Nebulous should save an up-to-date copy of your universe to your desktop. But, I'll look into a periodic saving option in the next version.


Only when your universe have non-zero objects, you will unlock export options - to Word, Excel oe plain text 

Well, I'm using WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation), so unfortunately Linux is unlikely at the moment. I'm working on a big update though, it might worth converting to Windows.

Glad you like it!

Yes, privacy is the whole point of Nebulous. As you might know there are more advanced online alternative apps but I too did not want to host my data on somebody else's servers. In Nebulous your library (essentially a save file) is located in your own PC and it works offline. 

Ouch, thanks I'll look into it!

Hm, I'll experiment with the tagging aspect, the universe then can be filtered according to the assigned tags.

Also, for now you could perhaps use the text export > convert to pdf.