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(4 edits) (+1)

Excellent arcade twin stick shooter in vein of Robotron but more fun imho! Great job! And it runs great on Linux too! 8)
Just made a donation. Others should as well!

P.S. - An option to rebind keys is needed as my keyboard
can not fire up/left diagonally and move. Some key combos
don't work on all keyboards so it would be nice to be able
to experiment with different bindings. I realize dual analog
is the way to go and will be playing with D/A most of the
time but sometimes I want a quickie on my laptop, plus all
games should have the ability to rebind the keys imho.

ALSO - It is possible if you code a key reading routine
that hits the hardware more directly, the issue may go away.


sorry to hear about that inconvenience. key rebinding will be coming in 0.8.2 :)