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(2 edits)

Original Comment:

Can I just attach this to a gameObject and it will automatically blur?


So I tried putting it as a component to the gameObject with SpriteRenderer, it didn't make it blurry, instead it added a Camera Component. I change the z-value of the gameObject for the camera and it made the other sprites blurry, but not itself, as I expected.

Anyway, I'll try to tinker this shader a little bit and learn from it. Thanks for the shader!


This would not work directly dropping it into a Sprite Material as it's mainly a Camera Effect. To make your Sprite or UI blurry you need to use the proper camera setup with layers. The secondary Camera would focus on rendering the UI only where the Blur Script goes on but the Primary Camera would be responsible to render everything else. Therefore, as this shader is mostly a Camera Effect it requires a proper Camera setup to work nicely.