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Heyo. Some linux distros (like mine) don't use .deb files and can't play this. Perhaps an Appimage would be more portable?

What Linux distro do you have? I need to learn more about building for Linux.

I'm on openSUSE. We use .rpm files. I dunno if there's kinds beyond rpm and deb, but even if there aren't, software often needs to build for each distro separately anyway, or provide sourcecode for people to build themselves. I'm new to building games for linux, but I've built the prototype for my game as a .x86_64 (Godot's default for building linux games). I don't yet know how portable that is either. That's why I suggested Appimage. That should be able to be built once and run on any linux system.

Still, I'm also new to this. There may be a better way.


So, have you learned anything? For example that nobody needs 64 bit software. :)))

I use MX-15 Debian Jessie 32 bit and I think you could point out that the Debian archive is for 64 bit systems. *?