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It's ok! Bullet hell games are meant to be hard lol. I was a worried while designing the levels that I might alienate people who aren't used to the genre, if you can think of anything that would make it easier to get the hang of let me know!

I think, for now at least, the hardest part about the game for me is timing my movements to get the sword to hit the opponents. This wasn't really an issue until the first boss. But its a cool idea nonetheless. I just need practice. Otherwise, this game is really amazing overall! <3

Maybe, start the player off with more manageable enemies? So that they can more easily get used to the timing skill that is involved with dealing damage, without having to worry about dodging bullets so much. Keep in mind, I'm not good at video games at all, I was failing from the very get-go lol.

That suggestion about the enemies is really good. The first enemies I put in were the swooping ones, which are actually the hardest to hit in my opinion, so that wasn't a great choice in hindsight. I didn't think about training the skill of aligning the sword but that totally makes sense!