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Yo indiv! I have encountered a bug with Bell on the mobile version.

It said the Bell's image is missing and when I press retry, it pops up again. I keep repeating to progress the text until the scene ends but its still popping up.

Thanks to autosave, I load back in and I got past that bug. That was really annoying.

Another annoying thing is getting drunk then the next day, the hangover. I can't sleep on most beds except Cassie's safehouse. I have no idea how to cure hangover quickly so I just walked around till it goes away. So is there a quick cure for it?

Thanks, I'll fix it!

If you've completed certain NPCs quests, sleeping near them will have them nurse your hangover!

What if you haven't?

Most I've done with cassie in new game was be accepted into safe house. Won't let me sleep!!!!

It'll go away automatically after walking enough! Or if you visit Rinny, she'll help without needing to finish her route