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Awesome game, great atmosphere. Music, art, sfx, effect when going under water - it's beautiful.

It took me a while to start using dash, as pressing R button meant I couldn't go right at the same time comfortably. I tried remapping R to space, but when pressing space buttons get trigerred, so I couldn't do that - during gameplay I often pressed space by mistake trying to jump and it would open the journal - because button was in focus. You can set `enabled_focus_mode` on button and it should solve the issue.

I love the rain effect, could you share how you accomplished that?


Thank you for playing the game! The rain effect is just done using a shader. I took a random black&white rain image off google and am sampling from it in the shader, and in the areas the image is white i'm applying a distortion effect. This makes the rain itself, and I then just offset the sampling by some function of time so the rain moves. I already know about and have fixed the focusing issue but I can't update the jam page during the voting period unfortunately. Thanks for the feedback, and I'm glad you enjoyed it!