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Simple and fun to play! Sounds are too loud :(

Also, rad puddles are creating too much problems at late game. I have playing for like 10 minutes and nearly all the screen was in puddles :O I think, if they'll disappear after 3-5 rounds, it could be better :)

Also bombs are pretty useless - you can hit with them only if you place a bomb between you and your enemy (so you'll be like a bait). There are not many situations like this in real game. Usually you run from one point to anther and you can just place bomb between you and your foes, bacuse you've already ruined from that position...


Thank you so much for the deep review! I will low down all the sounds, the sound was nice using my oldass headphones 😅

About the puddles, the disappearing feature will be implemented in few days!

I think you are right about bombs, I should make them a bit more useful. I'll make something out!