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The game was pretty fun! I think it could use a bit of work, but I enjoyed what you have so far! The little game thing on the computer seemed a little off, and I never knew what it was gonna count. I kind of figured it out, but it was still a bit confusing. I can't wait to see more though! The idea was great and I loved the game once I got the hang of everything! :D

Thank you! I'm honestly just ecstatic anyone found it a little bit fun! I had a whole document for the game and things went well until I slipped one day and during a jam that always means less features. So only like half the product I planned actually got made; and a bit of it was made roughly the last day. So I'm very happy you found it at all fun!

I may switch it into a highly detailed game dev tycoon kind of game over the next year if things go well and it feels right. Thank you so much for the feedback!