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Top-down Dungeon crawler/ Roguelike Indie Game with Hentai, Adult, Lewd features · By noxDev

Few Bugs

A topic by Fractured Mind created Jan 19, 2021 Views: 209 Replies: 3
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(1 edit)

Hey, just played the latest version, and I ran into a few issues

  • when you reach 0 hp you don't die, nothing happens
  • when you reach max lust nothing happens
  • Struggle animations sometimes wouldn't play, usually when rolling saves against 2 or more enemies
  • The starting weapons (I had 3 floors with no weapon upgrades) only deal 1 damage to the floor boss, so it takes almost 2 minutes of spamming F to kill it, with no other interesting decisions
  • Chests / Anvils spawn inside other objects
  • It's really hard to pick some items up, like potions I could never pick up for some reason.
  • You can't hit diagonally, which is a problem when you can be forced into a corner by some enemies and not be able to hit them
  • Slime boss has no limits on spawning enemies, which meant I had to kill as many as 30 slimes to finish each floor.

Game looks promising, but there's definitely a lot of issues. In general I'd like better movement or larger rooms, as with enemies also in the room it's really difficult to evade attacks and even harder to hit back. 


Thanks so much for the bug report. I definitely want to add diagonal attacking before the game is finished, I might even add it to the next version, but there won't be sprites to represent diagonal facing for a while unfortunately.

The Slime boss actually has a hard shell that reduces all damage by 90%, when he breaks apart you can attack the "core" for more damage. The fight is a little lame right now, I want to add a few moves to him like jumping and trying to crush the character, and maybe an ero attack or two.
As of the last update you can actually right click to block, but a dodge option might be nice down the line too, as dive rolling in close combat doesn't always work.

Thanks again for the list though, I'll add the things I wasn't aware of to my fix list.


I just noticed while preparing the new version that I messed up the Big Slime Boss, all attacks were being considered fire damage meaning they were not reducing the Slime Bosses shield. This will be fixed in the new version coming out this month.

The 4th Level (Great Halls) and so on aren't finished yet, right?

There are always bottomless floors in some room that make it impossible to advance.