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Yes! I remember that comment you gave me on reddit and it was very kind and encouraging of you.  I'm so thankful for all the time you put into playing the game and giving me so much feedback!  I'm glad the exploration based story telling worked for you.  Once I got the coding worked out, I really preferred it over the more linear style of chapter 1.  I think it helps give the player more a sense of agency in the story, as you might have in a roleplaying game or some other genre where you move an avatar from place to place.  I really love text adventure exploration games (old stuff like shadowgate, lol) so I hope that influence comes through.   Chapter 2 was  the first chapter I was trying to make all the dialogue trigger from location from the base up so it was a bit of a struggle from the beginning and though it's been nerfed several times and I added hints  it may not have been very well conceived from the start.  I think chapter 3 has a much better overall 'flow'  as I had learned a lot from mistakes in chapter 2 and I'd hate for people to give up before getting through the tunnels.  I will brainstorm on it and see if I can make some more revisions.  Thank you again so very much for taking the time to share your thoughts and experience with me!  As this is my first full game, I really want to learn a lot from it. <3