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(2 edits)

Hi there, we played your game and had some feedback:

This is a weird one to rate because the game itself is technically really good. The music is cool, the aesthetics are gorgeous, the game play is simple and fun...the problem is more with the theme.

I understand how it's related to the theme: as you go over different colours time is affected differently, however the whole concept of time as a mechanic seems almost like an after-thought; like Neon Dodge was a totally different game and the time aspect was added after the fact.

Not that that's a problem but it should be more apparent (a the very least through some instruction or tutorial) that time is a mechanic in the game.

As it stands, it's a really good game over-all but it would definitely benefit from a bit of explanation.

Thanks for your feedback. :)

I completely understand your issues regarding the theme and I wish I had the time to fix every problem with the game^^.

Our original time limit for production was 2 days, so we decided to go with this - in it's core - extremely simple gameplay. For us, it was simply not possible to create a more elaborate system within our time limit and to our personal quality standards. That's why we put fun before the theme, accepting that the games' connection to the theme was relatively weak.