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Peaceful experience! The artwork is beautiful, it reminds me of a lot of children's books. There was a nice variation and challenge to the puzzles. (Not too hard, but not overly easy.) The story itself is wholesome but gets surprisingly sad at the end. (Hopefully the next game will have a happy ending!) The music was very relaxing as well.

I did run into a bug on the bus window puzzle. One of the pieces didn’t fit properly. I looked up other people’s comments here and found a solution. (The pinwheel is always there, it’s just invisible until the puzzle is solved. Also, I played on the browser version.) Would be nice to get that fixed, but didn’t take away from the overall experience thankfully!

Overall, fantastic work. Looking forward to more!


thank you so much for such nice review! 

i am sorry about the bug, i will try to do something about it, but firstly i have to reproduce it to know what is wrong, which so far i didn't manage.....

(2 edits)

If it helps, I was using Google Chrome Version 89.0.4389.90 (64bit) Played the game in Fullscreen mode as well.

Update: Looks like I'm able to put that piece in fine when I'm not in Fullscreen mode. (So might have something to do with that)

ok, thanks for details!


i can see from your video that it indeed doesn't work. i will work on it