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Hey Callum, sorry I've been so silent on responding. Life kinda got in the way a little.

Thanks for understanding when it comes to having to use your game as a stopgap, I did really enjoy what was there and wanted to make sure I utilised it the best way I could so I could still use it!

I like to make sure I mention any game's story as written up by the dev, so people know what's going on. Otherwise I'd be making my own nonsense up and the devs would just laugh at me / be annoyed / possibly use my made-up ideas to replace their own story (much less likely). So yeah, no worries, if a dev has put the effort in to actually make a story I'll be sure to mention it!

Gotta say I'm a tad disappointed that indoor plumbing isn't the big plot point. Darn. Guess I'll wait and see then =)

Thanks for watching my weird little playthrough, and thanks for the response!