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(2 edits) (-6)

I liked the auto-fight (can we remove the real fight altogether?). After an auto-fight, I generally don't want to spend 2-3 minutes on a real fight. Real combat distracts from the battle of wits on the strategic map. And so, what problems have I noticed (which greatly interfered with me when playing:

- Very strong enemies that attack at the beginning of the first week! I also have a level 1 castle. And they have already pumped in the 3rd level. It's not fair!

- The Expert Combat skill is very strong, it needs to be fixed. Here is the skill of Diplomacy, in the hands of a computer hero ... Every monster that he attacked joins him. It's not fair!

- Once again, external dwellings are annoying when they have to be driven to the same place from different sides of the map! This is especially annoying when playing in auto-combat mode, where one week is often less than a minute long. And the repetition of the same actions due to the author's deficiencies. (I came up with a blitz solution, let all units from the outer dwellings be immediately added to the army of the strongest hero in the game / computer. This is the most reasonable solution that came to my mind)

- Why does the camera focus on him when moving a hero? And it doesn't let me move on ... And if I have 5 heroes, will I have to wait for everyone's move? Here, either increase the speed by 2-3 times, or activate the hero's auto-movement (in the settings) to the desired point in a second.

- Make the mills like mines, no one will run after them (and be distracted) because of three three trees a week, when the game with the 1x1 auto-fight lasts a total of 5 minutes, and 1x2 10 minutes. Thank.

- When capturing an empty city of computer heroes through auto-battle, the game crashes :)

I really can't figure out if you're making fun with me or not, asking to remove the main mechanic of the game. Maybe what you're really looking for is a different game.

Furthermore,  diplomacy literally does nothing in the hands of an AI player - they always decline. Furthermore, that's not how diplomacy works in this game. You still need to defeat the enemy before diplomacy procs.

Mills are awful, terrible things and are really rare in this game compared to the Heroes games for the very same reason. Sure, they could act like a mine, but their effect is too noisy to be meaningfully kept track of strategically. I'll see if I can figure out some sort of compromise that works better than either option.

External dwellings being annoying is something I have a plan for, but once again, the rate of your feedback far exceeds my rate of implementing features.

Expert combat - someone else mentioned that. I guess I'll nerf it, though I really love the whole idea of having an incredibly powerful hero. I'll need to ask - just how powerful is it? Equally powerful as your army being 15% stronger? More than 15% or less?

(1 edit) (-4)

I think you just don't understand the concept of your game, who are you making it for? How long is a beginner willing to spend on average playing your game? - And how long will he have enough patience at the first start? I will answer, 5-10 minutes, no more. What's the easiest way to get a newbie interested? - That's right, give him a taste of victory. If you don't, you will lose a player. This is the first and main rule of the developer. Your game will not be played by hardcore players, they will not play indie games. Only casuals remain. I think you need to focus to keep the player's attention by winning the first 5-10 minutes, otherwise he will leave. And only after the first victory, you can complicate the game by adding new (optional) conditions, saying to the casual - and we still have battles in real time ...


I disagree with your advice. I lost the first game to a crash and i’m still around. Hardcore gamers will very much play indie games since the strategy genre is very much underserved. It will not have mass appeal but that isn’t the developers goal.

When was the last mayor fantasy themed strategy game like WarCraft, Age of Mythology was released? I particaluarlly enjoy the lack of 3d graphics as it is much more laptop friendly.