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First off, nice to hear your music! Those extended chords coupled with the simple catchy melodies are perfect for getting that vibe. Really liking the color palette, too. Feels good to play, and it reminds me of ye olde days playing these kinds of games in the arcade. Now, I am terrible at these games, but for some reason I still find them fun, haha! Nice work.

Thanks for playing! Good to hear you liked the music, I spent a lot more time on it compared to with other jams, and there was a LOT of trial and error involved. How far did you get?


Honestly, the first boss, hahaha! I am not good at all with these kinds of games.


Well, at least you tried :P If it gives you any incentive, the stage 2 music is pretty cool!

I will try when I get back to my home computer with the comfortable chair and keyboard, haha!