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I was excited to play more of this, a game I was hyped and praised a lot in the first demo, though I'll have to agree with the criticisms of the others before me, the Notes are overwhelmingly plastered everywhere. Something that feels like 40 notes and 40 minutes of me mostly reading. The first demo had lots of exploration, varied environments, great atmosphere mixed in with so many different areas to explore, varied environments and situations made it exceptionally unique to me. It was greatly balanced, if I recall (Else I'd remember complaining equally-so). This demo, much shorter but it took me 40 minutes to go through this 2nd demo only because of Reading. If the notes didn't exist, this demo would be, 5-8 minutes long of actual content? 

As I suggest in my video commentary, either find a VA to read out the notes, Bioshock style? Like, over a Dialogue while the player moves and explores in 'safe zones' prior to chases/stealth/dangerous area - or, try to Compact and concisely explain the lore in the notes but in 3-5 notes instead of however many there are. Hope to see the game improve so when its fully released and finalized, that it becomes a great masterpiece of an indie horror, and hopefully as balanced as I perceived the first demo - laid out as a full game.


Hi Neco! I commented on the video too but I'll copy it here as well - thanks for playing, it was really fun watching your playthrough. I'd like to thank you for your feedback, it's very valuable to us.

We hear you on the volume of notes - in the full version of the game we're looking to spread the notes over an extended version of this level, around 2 or 3 times as long.

Thanks again for playing :)