Thank you so much for playing and I really appreciate the feedback :)
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Thanks for playing! I'm not too sure what could be causing the lag, what year did that GPU come out? You could try running the game in windowed mode at a smaller resolution, and disabling things like anti-aliasing in the settings.
Lots of the mechanics and elements of the game are balanced around there being separate bars like that (determination and focus), I think it makes sense having them separate! They aren't necessarily a health bar and a dream bar :)
Let me know if the suggestions above make the game run any better, but if not I suspect the GPU may be on the lower end of what is supported!
That definitely seems like a bug with Mindfulness, thanks!! Also with spiked helmet, I'll look into this :)
And wow great job! I'm definitely adding a secret there thank you hahah, I might even leave the whole skip in the full game as it won't end up being much of a skip outside of the demo and is definitely in the spirit of the kind of gameplay I'd like to encourage ;)
Thank you for playing, and for taking the time to write up the feedback, I really appreciate it! :)
I'll respond to bits and pieces of the feedback:
- All of the parkour is intentional! Especially the getting out of the map parts, there's a number of secrets in areas like that. I would be interested to know where you got on top of streetlights/buildings and bypassed a pit, as if they aren't places I'm aware of I'd love to add some secrets there ;)
- I've got plans to enhance the inventory/status menus similar to how you describe it!
- There shouldn't be areas you get stuck in without being able to get out, I would be interested to know if you encountered anything like that in your playthrough! You can always revisit prior save files too! Nothing gets overwritten.
- There are quite a few ways of damaging the eyes, but perhaps you missed those parts - it's tough when everything is nonlinear/optional. It's not supposed to be a forced stealth section, but it is supposed to be hard, and it's an optional area too :)
- Indicating when containers have been looted is for sure planned! The loot isn't manually placed however, it's randomly generated when you first start a new game and persistent in the same save.
- The long hallway and the place with the radio are directly inspired by LSD: Dream Emulator, so ending up in a random place you may have been before is intentional! Some random places you end up are more beneficial than others, and in the full game you'll be able to find many more of those books (you could find more in the demo even, as the loot is all random).
- The falling issue is related to a timer still ticking when the game should otherwise be paused, a fix is in the works for the full game!
- I'm not aware of any issue with the game freezing and the mouse jerking - if you are able to provide any more information for me to reproduce the issue that would be amazing!
Thanks again for playing, and for the really great feedback. I have no plans to launch the game in early access, it will be launched when it's feature and content complete later on this year!
One thing I will say is that parts of the game are intentionally designed to be obtuse, unfair, and frustrating if you haven't yet found the right way of dealing with them - it's in part a knowledge-based game so the intention is for the player to be experimental, try out different methods/strategies, make note of what they learn, and revisit with the new knowledge. If that's not the sort of gameplay that meshes well with you, than fair enough :)
Does it work on the deck without using an external controller? This sort of thing is difficult to test due to not having the hardware, but I know we have had issues before when multiple controllers are connected.
Additionally, does that controller work when running the game not on a steam deck, i.e. on a different computer?
Thank you for playing, I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Apologies about the jump issue, that's definitely not intentional, the jump is supposed to be a lot smoother (and was during my testing!) - I believe it may be tied to the framerate of the game in some way, did you happen to be playing the game on a monitor with a high refresh rate by any chance?
EDIT: I've just uploaded a new version which has potentially fixed this issue - if you could try it out that would be awesome :)
I'm so sorry, I misread something - shows how long before the jam end the entry was submitted and it showed as 129 days when I looked at this, and I mistakenly assumed that meant the game was *released* 129 days ago!
The jam has been getting lots of spam entries this year and I accidentally assumed this entry was a spam entry when I was reviewing a batch of entries based on my misreading of the '129 days' figure.
I've requalified the entry - again I'm really sorry about the mistake here.