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(1 edit)

UPDATE: The hotkey issue has been resolved. The F12 hotkey has been changed to F10 to avoid issues with Steam screen capture.

A tutorial popup has been added at app start to assist a first-time user with proper Rustangelo usage. And app tips have been added throughout the drawing process to provide additional information to the user.

I don't have the new version packaged up for download and testing yet. I plan on releasing the new build next week for beta testing.

Thanks for the feedback everyone!

Will you allow new beta testers or are you still sticking with your current testers? I'd love to try this out and give some feedback if possible.

At this time I am not accepting any more beta testers. Please keep checking back though!

Will do, I check it twice a day. Looking forward to the public release. Keep it up

Is there a way to update the program? Mine is still using f12 and I have a extra hundred screenshots now lol. I even changed my screenshot shortcut, f12 still screenshots.