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Thanks, will do my best :)

(1 edit)

Sadly, I think I know where this story is going, but I am hopefully wrong. I have read similar before (I am ancient, and have read many stories,) but it would be a great twist to be wrong. I am thoroughly enjoying it so far. (just got to the second Eva sat at the desk part.) This thing the mum has to do with the MC is very weird, but, if I am getting the story correctly, understandable.  I am going to keep on playing till the end! Thank you for the entertainment BM_Rec

Thanks, we'll see if I can surprise you^^

OK,  Thank you. Looking forward now to the next instalment. I have finished this one. Just one questions if OK. What package do you use to create your characters with? I  don't mean the text, but the graphics, especially of the "people." Thanks for the reply. 

I'm using a heavily modded version of Honey Select Studio Neo.

OK, thank you!