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The part about MC is not entirely true. While we as players can project our views onto his actions, there are some things we can't change because the game obviously can't (and shouldn't) include every possible outcome. There is no option to say "Hey, aren't you Juliet, Ashley's friend?" when you first see her working in the store or "Wait, Maria, what if THIS was the reason you were abandoned? Maybe doing the DNA test is not a good idea after all", even if it doesn't change anything in how the events progress. I simply think it's better for the overall story to see those moments you can't control as a part of the protagonist's true personality not depending on the player's actions and apply it in the future to make the gaming process even more interesting. The game is fine without it, but you can still use this thought to your advantage.

The inconsistency I'm talking about is the role of fairies in the high elf society. When you travel to the island, Sylvia says the crystals from her mines are special, but she's not sure why and what they're used for; she says the queen can move small objects using her mind but nobody knows how or how she knows everything that happens around. And then suddenly when you walk with her in the city later, she says every soldier works with a group of fairies and even can become invisible because of that. So does everybody know about the fairies, or just the queen and her closest supporters (probably including high-ranking military positions)? Did Sylvia always know that or was it something she figured out after returning and maybe talking to the fairies currently living in the hotel?

As I see the situation with Cornwall, he might actually find benefit in helping a person close enough with Kali's father as some kind of future investment into his power. And still, trying to use even a nearly non-existing chance to help a person the MC cares about would be better than just randomly and pointlessly declaring how he feels. Again, it might not change anything, let Cornwall reply "Fuck off, I don't care" and lead to exactly the same reaction. At least he would've done everything that was in his power, which is something a desperate person would do.

And this is what I'm talking about. Such angle is not possible without an injury.